What We Learned from Grow With Google

Last week we had the pleasure of attending Google's "Grow With Google" event at Lansing Community College. The event offered classes for local business owners and professionals, a hands-on learning area, and one-on-one coaching sessions with Google's team to see what you can do to help grow your business. We were so excited to take advantage of this awesome free event, and highly recommend going if Google hosts one near you! Here are a few take-aways we wanted to share:

Download the Primer App

Google Primer is an app that offers interactive lessons to learn new business and digital marketing skills. You can take the lessons whenever you have 5 minutes free. They're always adding new lessons on different subjects. It's free, convenient, and can help you stay sharp in the ever-changing digital world. Not to mention – these lessons are actually fun to complete, and you earn badges for skills you learn.


Test Your Site

You can use this free Google Website Checker to test your mobile speed. It gives you a free report with suggestions for your website. This is a great tool to self-diagnose why your website may be running slowly.

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Update Your Google My Business Page

Millions of people use Google and Google Maps every day to find businesses and attractions. It's important that your business is not only on Google, but also that your information is accurate. You want to make your Google listing as complete as possible. This includes listing an address, website, phone number, hours of operation, photos, category, and attributes of your business. The more complete your listing is, the better customers can get an idea of what your business is like during their search.


Overall, Grow with Google was a great event. You can take advantage of a lot of the information offered up at this event by visiting https://grow.google/ and exploring their site. There is loads of information available here (as well as in the Primer app) that is completely free for us to enjoy. You can also get on a list to be notified each time Google adds a new event. Check it out and let us know what you think!