Meet the Team

Welcome to Elevate Marketing Co. We're an energetic team with a passion for marketing and small business. Here's a little more about us.

Katie - The One Who Started it All

Katie jumped into the world of entrepreneurship with both feet in 2015. She quit her corporate job to build a marketing consulting company whose sole purpose is to serve small and medium businesses with marketing strategy, website design, and social media management.

Some fun facts about Katie that you won’t find on our Who We Are page: Her favorite color is blue (could you tell by our branding?), and she loves tacos but you won’t find her eating any dish that contains mushrooms. She enjoys diving into Jon Acuff’s business books – easy to read and have tangible tips, yes please! On the weekends, she enjoys the simple things in life like cooking, gardening, and playing games like Settlers of Catan. Something fun on her bucket list is to own a bed and breakfast someday. Her quote to live by is:  “Do what you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.”

If you need to pick her brain, you can find her getting inspired by like-minded startups and entrepreneurs or collaborating with other creatives. If you need your jammed zipper un-stuck, she can help with that too (hidden talents are fun)

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Victoria - The Social Media Guru

Victoria is a small-town girl with big-city dreams. She loves open spaces – especially along a coastline – but is inspired by towering skylines and architecture. She’s a mom to two wild-hearted kids and two dogs. She’s been working in the creative world since 2012, but really started focusing on social media in 2016.

She’s lived in four states in the last six years and loves traveling around the USA. Fun fact, she can rattle off all 50 states in alphabetical order, and most of the capital cities too. She dreams of someday traveling through a dozen or so countries in Europe too. Chicken alfredo is her favorite food, with a side of garlic bread of course. She loves spending time outside with her kids and dogs, but only when it’s warm out. Summers on the water are her favorite.  

What inspires her most is photographing the world around her. She enjoys creating styled photo shoots, especially with dancers in unexpected places. She's a big Simon Sinek fan, and she loves working with other creative minds and firmly believes in community over competition.

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Abby - The Creative Athlete

Abby is a student at Northern Michigan University, studying public relations and graphic design. When she’s not playing soccer or running trails, she’s creating awesome graphics and writing some fabulous content for social media, blogs, websites and more. Abby has been assisting Katie with client work since December 2016.

She loves waking up early, starting her day with a big bowl of oatmeal, and knocking out the day’s tasks first thing. She someday hopes to run in the hills of Austria. Her favorite color is green and she considers herself a professional iPhone photographer.

After graduation, she hopes to do PR and design in the Outdoor Industry. Her life slogan comes from Mother Theresa, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” We can’t wait to see what kind of ripples Abby makes in our world.

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That’s a wrap for this post! Our team will be sharing more through #FridayIntroductions and stories on our Instagram. Make sure you’re following and stay tuned!