Should you consider a Virtual Marketing Coordinator?

If you are a small business owner, multitasking is likely second nature for you. As a small business looking to grow, it can be difficult to find creative ways to market your business. There are always a thousand things to focus on – operations, sales, staff retention, finances, etc. Unfortunately, marketing usually lands on the back burner. We get it because we’ve been there ourselves! But what if you could delegate all your marketing activities without having to hire someone full-time?

Say hello to Virtual Marketing Coordinator services. If you haven’t heard of a Virtual Marketing Coordinator, we’re about to dive into what it is and how it can benefit your growing business.

What is a Virtual Marketing Coordinator?

A Virtual Marketing Coordinator is someone who plans, organizes, and implements marketing strategies as a contractor or outsourced partner. This person essentially fulfills the marketing coordinator position as if you were to have this position as a full-time or even part-time employee.

What does a Virtual Marketing Coordinator do?

Have you heard of a chaos coordinator? Yeah, that’s pretty much what a virtual marketing coordinator does!

A virtual marketing coordinator is essentially responsible for coordinating all your marketing activities. For some activities, they will plan and execute, while for other activities they will plan and manage. The virtual marketing coordinator serves as a liaison between the business owner or manager and the marketing partners, vendors, and subcontractors.

When we talk about “marketing activities”, that can be pretty broad. Ideally, though, it includes (but isn’t limited to) social media management, digital ad management, email marketing, blog and copywriting marketing material creation, and website management. It wraps together all your marketing activities into a nice bow. A Virtual Marketing Coordinator also has the advantage of looking at your business through a different lens. We may see opportunities for growth in areas you haven’t uncovered yet!

What makes Elevate Marketing Co. different?

Yes, we are a marketing agency, but in some sense, we don’t operate like one. Our entire goal is to operate as part of your team – almost as if we were employees. One of our Virtual Marketing Coordinator clients once told us “Half of our staff doesn’t even know that you’re not an employee!” – which was music to our ears. Shouldn’t your marketing team know and act as part of your company?

We will create a priority list of marketing activities and projects you want to accomplish over the coming months. If you’re looking to have some hefty marketing projects accomplished, it might be best that we create a marketing roadmap. This will identify milestones and projected deadlines to help us reach our end goal. We often see this with the growth or adoption of a new social media strategy or even a website rehaul.

As your Virtual Marketing Coordinator, we will have frequent and regular conversations. For many of our clients, this means scheduled monthly “onsite” visits where our team will spend an hour or two at your office. We will take photos of your staff and office space as well – which is GOLD content for social media content, your website, and blog content.

To dig in a little deeper, the advantage of having a Virtual Marketing Coordinator bundle all your marketing activities together is that… well… everything is tied together. So, we can look at your business and customer journey from start to finish and incorporate the necessary marketing channels throughout the process.

How much is a Virtual Marketing Coordinator?

That’s a loaded question and something we can’t put a blanket price on. Much of the price is based on the scope of work and the size of the retainer that is within your budget. Some clients only need 5 hours a week while others need 40 hours per month. Something to keep in mind as well as if you compare the cost for one employee (part-time or full time) you only get one person. With Elevate Marketing Co. you get a full team of creative minds working to grow your company and manage all the things. (Plus, you aren’t having to pay all the fun employee stuff like taxes, worker’s comp, and benefits.)

Want to know more?

There’s no set quote we can deliver for our Virtual Marketing Coordinator offerings without talking with you first. So, let’s set up a quick discovery call to learn a bit more about your needs!

MarketingHannah Roslanic